Our Streamining Services ….. Weddings, Funerals, Community Events Etc

Weddings Church & Civil

Traditional Church wedding, Civil Wedding service, Same gender wedding – it is going to be your special day and we can help you share it

Funerals & Spirtual Events

There are occasions when we, for a variety of reasons, are unable to attend some of the important, most memorable moments in our families such as Funerals

Special Events

At Streaming Services Ireland   we stream all kinds of events, from family gatherings to various community gatherings such as Christmas concerts to church events, talent shows to table quizzes, even the local football team etc.

Public & Community Events

We can Stream anything really, from Funerals, Weddings, Public Events Church services, Funeral Arrangements,  Concerts, Parades ( some events will need permission from the artist involved) we are located in Macroom Co Cork