Neven Maguire – Demonstration Evening Bantry West Cork

streaming neven maguire

Streaming Services presented well know celebrity chef Neven Maguire recently in Bantry West Cork.  For a fund raising evening held at the West Lodge Hotel Bantry.  With an audience of over 450 guests and guest chef Neven Maguire, the event was captured in HD format.  Which was then relayed to 4 large projector screens, throughout the function room.  All guests were able to view on the screens what Neven was cooking on the stage.

The evening was a live food demonstration with audience interaction.  This was a Fund Raising event to help restore the local churches on the Sheeps Head.  Streaming Services captured the event using 4 Cameras.  2 of the Cameras were the Videodata PTC150.  These are fantastic full HD cameras with remote Pan, Tilt & Zoom,  At Streaming Services we are big fans of Blackmagic Design Switchers.  Live events are generally good fun, require good planning and a brilliant presenter.